Wednesday 16 April 2014

Hey guys! Its me the owner of this site, Destiny! AKA destinyblueblos. I feel like making a team called Woozworld Team Commercials. Basically we make funny and hilarious commercials. We just started it and we already have some of the people. We have the editer of the site, His username is hairspiker and yeah, Thats it. And I'm just the person who tells you to stand where and stuff. Basically the director. And so these are the places left if you want to be in it! Message me on woozworld, destinyblueblos once you picked which one you want to be from these options below and mesage me why. :P Good luck!


  • Scripter (The person who makes the scripts)
  • Recorder (The person who records the commercials and edits them)
  • Production manager (The person who makes the sets of the commercial (makes units for our commercial) for us.
  • Actors (People who act for us)